tirsdag 19. mai 2015

Liara T'Soni revisited

In 2012 I made a Liara T'Soni cosplay from Mass Effect. I'm a huge fan of this game and love every character there. Looking back I saw that I have learned so much more and wanted to upgrade my Liara. Here are some photos of my first iteration of the costume
Photo and edit by Heresetai Cosplay

The head piece.
I made a completely new head piece. It didn't turn out quite as I wanted, so when I'm making Aria this summer (uh yes, more asari) I will most probably make a whole new headpiece. Here is the tutorial for how I made it years ago, a little updated though. 
- Sculpting
- Molding
- Casting

I know I want to upgrade Liara even more in the future, and also make some of her other outfits. Until next time, here are a few more photos. 
Photo by Karin Olava, edit by me. Paladin by Orion Works

Photo by: Karin Olava Effects. Editing JC, Fandomily Cosplay. Paladin guns by Orion Works. 

 Photo by Karin Olava, edit by me. 

 Photo by Karin Olava, edit by me. 

 Photo by Karin Olava, edit by me. Paladin by Orion Works

Me as Liara and JC from Fandomily Cosplay. Photo by: Karin Olava Effects. Editing JC, Fandomily Cosplay 

Photo by Karin Olava, edit by me. Paladin by Orion Works

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